Promoción de TecnologÃas Sostenibles para la cadena de valor del Cacao en Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador y Nicaragua Fase II
AUTHOR: Buchert, J.P.
Resume: This document provides information and educational material on good practices and innovative technologies that will help entrepreneurs to meet the challenges of productivity, quality and effectiveness of processing and marketing. It also includes a proposal for the dissemination of methodologies, adaptation and adoption of best practices and technological innovations.
YEAR: 2014 | MONTH: 6
COVERAGE: Central America
TOPIC: Agriculture
SUBTOPICS: Cocoa, Organoleptic quality, Agricultural produce safety, Agricultural technologies and best practices
ORGANIZATION: Regional Unit for Sustainable Development (RUTA), Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)