Uso actual y oferta de tecnologÃas sostenibles en las cadenas de valor del cacao en Guatemala para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria. Informe nacional | Guatemala
AUTHOR: Say E.| Villalobos M.| Escobedo A.| Sánchez S.| Somarriba E.
Resume: This study analyzes the current use and supply of sustainable technologies to improve food security in the cocoa value chain in Guatemala, under the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program implemented by the Regional Unit for Sustainable Development (RUTA) of the Central American Agricultural Council (CAC). This study is part of the activities implemented by Component 2 of the Program: Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture Technologies.
YEAR: 2013 | MONTH: 11
COVERAGE: Central America
TOPIC: Agriculture, Capacity Building, Production, Food Security
SUBTOPICS: Cocoa, Agricultural value chains, Agricultural technologies and best practices, Knowledge | information management, Small producers
ORGANIZATION: Regional Unit for Sustainable Development (RUTA), Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano (CAC), Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)